AHU On-Coil Solution Order Form
Main Contact Phone Number
Faculty Contact Phone Number
Quantity of the same unit
Length x Height of AHU Coil
Length x Height of Space / Room
Distance between coil and fan assembly
Any obstacles near the AHU coil that can interfere with installation? If so, please provide measurements and photos.
Electrical Specifications
Control Box Fixture Cable Length and Specifications (Distance to AHU)
Control Box Power Cable Length and Specifications
How many doors are there into the AHU?
Is there a Building Management System that our device will need to tie into for control?
Is there a Building Management System that our device will need to tie into for control?
Is lamp feedback required?
Is lamp feedback required?
Extra Safety Features (Standard: 1 Emergency Stop)
Pictures of outside and inside of AHU or anything else
Estimated Installation Date (if applicable)